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automotive accident analysis

BEAR has been engaged to investigate a 2010 Toyota Prius’ failure to brake at a traffic signal. The investigation was carried out by our new office in Los Angeles, CA. The ensuing investigation resulted in additional laboratory examination at our Berkeley facility, where we deconstructed the brake system mechanics, electronics and software control of the Prius.


Using advanced electronic sensors and data acquisition techniques exclusively developed by BEAR, engineers analyzed any automotive braking system in-place, measuring pressures and flows without disturbing or destroying the evidence.


Centered in the largest concentration of vehicle usage in the United States, the new LA office has over 30 years of diverse talent in automotive, aerospace, industrial, and commercial product development.  BEAR has expanded its presence and can now deliver high quality evaluations that are consistent with our clients' expectations at an extremely good value.  Failure forensic analysis is a common daily process; our staff utilizes both design and accident reconstruction.

If you have need for these services, our on-site staff can provide you with real-time professional evaluations to meet your specific needs.

impact analysis


FEA capability allows us to perform a complete 3D impact analysis with multiple colliding bodies, including automobile collisions, crane tip-overs, and ladder/chair accidents.  In addition to analysis of rigid and deformable body motion, BEAR engineers create models that contain both.  These complex models can include anything from human (dummy) components, to seat belts and airbags, to determine the dynamic response of a person in  
the analysis.

Failure or damage, such as tearing, fracture, and buckling, can be computed as a function of time for any components being modeled. This method can be applied to components made of ceramics, steel, plastic, concrete, soil, or any other material.

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