Plures Intelligens Modicum Machinatorem
808 Gilman Street Berkeley, CA 94710 | 510-549-3300 |
Dr. Glen Stevick, P.E. ext. 101 | Dr. Dave Rondinone, P.E. ext. 102 | Derek King, P.E. ext. 103 | Mingxi Zheng, P.E. ext. 106
Agricultural Economics
Dr. Scholz has over 20 years of experience consulting in agriculture, agribusiness and environmental issues in the United States and in Latin America. She has modeled alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and bio-fuels both in terms of feasibility and economic viability. She has been an economic advisor to various businesses, start-ups and early business development.
Dr. Scholz has conducted work in Natural Resource Management of lake ecosystems, ocean bottom, shrimp aquaculture as well as forestry management, wildland fire evaluation and conservation easement analysis. Her specialty is in natural resource accounting and valuating ecosystems.
Dr. Scholz has consulted for the European Union in Bolivia, Peru and Guatemala and for USAID in Sumatra and Latin America. For the Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Project she worked in a multi-disciplinary team with animal scientists, range managers and anthropologists. More recently Dr. Scholz is working with engineers on projects ranging from the oil and gas industry to medical technology as well as alternative energy models for offshore wind turbines in California.
Case Highlight
An important Almond farmer in California's Central Valley accidentally lost his life. The family was unprepared for this tragic incident, and consequently the almond farm was left unattended for 3 years. This caused great damages to the farm, included loss of trees, damaged irrigation, and unruly growth of trees. Turning this around required extensive investment in money, time and knowledge. The BEAR team was asked to assess these damages. Below is a picture of a healthy almond farm.